
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using DotNetNuke.Common;
using DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities;
using DotNetNuke.Modules.Store.Admin;
using DotNetNuke.Modules.Store.Catalog;
using DotNetNuke.Modules.Store.Components;
//using DotNetNuke.Modules.Store.Providers.Tax;
using DotNetNuke.Services.Localization;

namespace DotNetNuke.Modules.Store.WebControls
 /// Summary description for Media.
 public partial class ProductList : StoreControlBase
  #region Private Declarations

        private ModuleSettings moduleSettings;
        private CatalogNavigation moduleNav;
  private ProductInfo productInfo;
        private CategoryController categoryControler;
        private int categoryID = 0;
  private string templatesPath = "";
  private string imagesPath = "";
  private string title = "";
        private string containerTemplate = "";
        private string containerCssClass = "";
  private string template = "";
        private string itemCssClass = "";
        private string alternatingItemCssClass = "";
  private int rowCount = 10;
  private int columnCount = 2;
  private int columnWidth = 200;
        private string direction = "";
  private bool showThumbnail = true;
  private int thumbnailWidth = 90;
  private bool showDetail = true;
  private int detailPageID = 0;
        private ProductListTypes listType;
        private StoreInfo storeInfo;
        private NumberFormatInfo LocalFormat = (NumberFormatInfo)NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Clone();
        private ArrayList labelsPageInfo = new ArrayList();
        private ArrayList labelsPageNav = new ArrayList();
        private ArrayList buttonsPrevious = new ArrayList();
        private ArrayList buttonsNext = new ArrayList();
        private ArrayList placeholdersPageList = new ArrayList();
        private DataList lstProducts;



  #region Public Properties

  public int CategoryID
   get {return categoryID;}
   set {categoryID = value;}

  public string Title
   get {return title;}
   set {title = value;}

        public string ContainerTemplate
            get { return containerTemplate; }
            set { containerTemplate = value; }

        public string ContainerCssClass
            get { return containerCssClass; }
            set { containerCssClass = value; }

  public string Template
   get {return template;}
   set {template = value;}

  public string ItemCssClass
            get { return itemCssClass; }
            set { itemCssClass = value; }

        public string AlternatingItemCssClass
            get { return alternatingItemCssClass; }
            set { alternatingItemCssClass = value; }

  public int RowCount
   get {return rowCount;}
   set {rowCount = value;}

  public int ColumnCount
   get {return columnCount;}
   set {columnCount = value;}

  public int ColumnWidth
   get {return columnWidth;}
   set {columnWidth = value;}

        public string Direction
            get { return direction; }
            set { direction = value; }

  public bool ShowThumbnail
   get {return showThumbnail;}
   set {showThumbnail = value;}
  public int ThumbnailWidth
   get {return thumbnailWidth;}
   set {thumbnailWidth = value;}

  public bool ShowDetail
            get { return showDetail; }
            set { showDetail = value; }

  public int DetailPage
   get { return detailPageID; }
   set { detailPageID = value; }

        public ProductListTypes ListType
            get { return listType; }
            set { listType = value; }


  #region Web Form Designer generated code
  override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
   // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.
  ///  Required method for Designer support - do not modify
  ///  the contents of this method with the code editor.
  private void InitializeComponent()

  #region Events

  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (storeInfo == null)
                StoreController storeController = new StoreController();
                storeInfo = storeController.GetStoreInfo(PortalId);
                if (storeInfo.PortalTemplates)
                    templatesPath = PortalSettings.HomeDirectoryMapPath + "Store\\";
                    imagesPath = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + "Store/Templates/Images/";
                    templatesPath = MapPath(ModulePath);
                    imagesPath = parentControl.ModulePath + "Templates/Images/";

            if (storeInfo.CurrencySymbol != string.Empty)
                LocalFormat.CurrencySymbol = storeInfo.CurrencySymbol;

            moduleSettings = new ModuleSettings(this.ModuleId, this.TabId);

            moduleNav = new CatalogNavigation(Request.QueryString);

            //0 indicates that no detail page is being used, so use current tabid
   if (this.DetailPage == 0) 
    this.DetailPage = this.TabId;
   moduleNav.TabId = this.DetailPage;

   if (moduleNav.PageIndex == Null.NullInteger)
    moduleNav.PageIndex = 1;

            if (containerTemplate == string.Empty)
                this.Controls.Add(TemplateController.ParseTemplate(templatesPath, "ListContainer.htm", new ProcessTokenDelegate(processToken)));
                this.Controls.Add(TemplateController.ParseTemplate(templatesPath, containerTemplate, new ProcessTokenDelegate(processToken)));
            if (lstProducts != null) BindData();

  private void lstProducts_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
   productInfo = (ProductInfo)e.Item.DataItem;

            if (columnWidth > 0)
       e.Item.Width = columnWidth;
            switch (e.Item.ItemType)
                case ListItemType.Item:
                    e.Item.CssClass = itemCssClass;
                case ListItemType.AlternatingItem:
                    e.Item.CssClass = alternatingItemCssClass;

            ProductDetail productListItem = (ProductDetail)LoadControl(ModulePath + "ProductDetail.ascx");
            productListItem.Template = template;
            productListItem.ParentControl = this.ParentControl;
            productListItem.CategoryID = productInfo.CategoryID;
            productListItem.ShowThumbnail = ShowThumbnail;
            productListItem.ThumbnailWidth = ThumbnailWidth;
            productListItem.DataSource = productInfo;
            productListItem.ShowDetail = (showDetail == false) & (detailPageID == Null.NullInteger) ? false : true;
            productListItem.DetailID = detailPageID;
            productListItem.InList = true;



  #region Protected Functions

  protected void BindData()
   PagedDataSource pagedData = null;

   // Get the product data
   ArrayList productArray = (dataSource as ArrayList);
   if ((productArray == null) || (productArray.Count == 0))
                foreach (Label lblPageNav in labelsPageNav)
                    lblPageNav.Visible = false;
    int itemCount  = productArray.Count;
    int pageSize  = rowCount * columnCount;
    int currentPage  = moduleNav.PageIndex - 1; // Convert to zero-based index

                foreach (Label lblPageNav in labelsPageNav)
                    lblPageNav.Visible = true;

    // Created paged data source
    pagedData = new PagedDataSource();
                if (ViewState["productArray"] != null && IsPostBack)
                    pagedData.DataSource = (ArrayList)ViewState["productArray"];
                    pagedData.DataSource = productArray;
                    ViewState["productArray"] = pagedData.DataSource;
    pagedData.AllowPaging = true;
    pagedData.PageSize = pageSize;
    pagedData.CurrentPageIndex = currentPage;

    UpdatePagingControls(itemCount, pageSize, moduleNav.PageIndex);

   // Databind with product list
            if (lstProducts != null)
                lstProducts.DataSource = pagedData;

                if (lstProducts.Items.Count == 0)
                    this.Visible = false;

  protected void UpdatePagingControls(int itemCount, int pageSize, int currentPage)
   StringDictionary replaceParams = new StringDictionary();

   // Get total pages
   int rem;
   int totalPages = Math.DivRem(itemCount, pageSize, out rem);
   if (rem > 0)

   // Hide and return if only one page
   if (totalPages == 1)
                foreach (Label lblPageNav in labelsPageNav)
                    lblPageNav.Visible = false;

   // Previous/Next Buttons

   int prevIndex = currentPage - 1;
   if ((prevIndex < 1) || (prevIndex > totalPages))
    prevIndex = 1;

   replaceParams["PageIndex"] = prevIndex.ToString();
            foreach (HyperLink btnPrev in buttonsPrevious)
                btnPrev.NavigateUrl = moduleNav.GetNavigationUrl(replaceParams, storeInfo.StorePageID);

   int nextIndex = currentPage + 1;
   if (nextIndex >= totalPages)
    nextIndex = totalPages;

   replaceParams["PageIndex"] = nextIndex.ToString();
            foreach (HyperLink btnNext in buttonsNext)
                btnNext.NavigateUrl = moduleNav.GetNavigationUrl(replaceParams, storeInfo.StorePageID);

   // Page Index List

   // Determine page range to display
   int rangeMin = currentPage - 10;
   int rangeMax = currentPage + 10;

   if (rangeMin < 1)
    rangeMax = rangeMax + Math.Abs(rangeMin) + 1;
    rangeMin = 1;

   if (rangeMax >= totalPages)
    rangeMin = rangeMin - (rangeMax - totalPages);
    if (rangeMin <= 1)
     rangeMin = 1;

    rangeMax = totalPages;

            foreach (PlaceHolder phPageList in placeholdersPageList)
                // Create link for each page
                for (int i = rangeMin; i <= rangeMax; i++)
                    replaceParams["PageIndex"] = i.ToString();

                    if (i == currentPage)
                        Label pageLabel = new Label();
                        pageLabel.Text = i.ToString();
                        pageLabel.CssClass = "StoreCurrentPageNumber";
                        phPageList.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("  "));
                        HyperLink pageLink = new HyperLink();
                        pageLink.Text = i.ToString();
                        pageLink.NavigateUrl = moduleNav.GetNavigationUrl(replaceParams, storeInfo.StorePageID);
                        pageLink.CssClass = "StorePageNumber";

                        phPageList.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("  "));


            foreach (Label lblPageInfo in labelsPageInfo)
                lblPageInfo.Text = string.Format(Localization.GetString("PageInfo.Text", this.LocalResourceFile), currentPage, totalPages);

        protected void ddlSortBy_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DropDownList ddlSortBy = (sender as DropDownList);
            if (ddlSortBy != null)
                moduleNav.SortID = int.Parse(ddlSortBy.SelectedValue);
                moduleNav.SortDir = "ASC";
                moduleNav.PageIndex = Null.NullInteger;

        private void btnSortDir_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            ImageButton button = (sender as ImageButton);
            if (button != null)
                moduleNav.PageIndex = Null.NullInteger;
                if (button.CommandArgument.ToUpper() == "ASC")
                    moduleNav.SortDir = "DESC";
                    moduleNav.SortDir = "ASC";

        private void btnMYSEARCH_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            //ImageButton button_Myserch = (sender as ImageButton);
            ImageButton button_Myserch = sender as ImageButton;
            if (button_Myserch != null)
                moduleNav.PageIndex = Null.NullInteger;

                    moduleNav.SortDir = "DESC";

                    DropDownList ddlMYSEARCH = (DropDownList)this.FindControl("ddMYSEARCH");
                    TextBox txtMYSEARCH = (TextBox)this.FindControl("txtMYSEARCH");

                    if (ddlMYSEARCH != null && txtMYSEARCH != null)
                    //&& ddlMYSEARCH.SelectedValue.ToString() != null && txtMYSEARCH.Text.ToString() != null
                        moduleNav.SearchField = ddlMYSEARCH.SelectedValue.ToString();
                        moduleNav.SearchText = txtMYSEARCH.Text.ToString();
                        moduleNav.SearchField = "Manufacturer";
                        moduleNav.SearchText = "JK";




  #region Private Functions

  private Control processToken(string tokenName)
   switch (tokenName.ToUpper())
                case "LISTTITLE":
                    Label lblTitle = new Label();
                    lblTitle.CssClass = "StoreListTitle";
                    lblTitle.Text = title;
                    return lblTitle;

                case "PAGENAV":
                    if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category || 
                        ListType == ProductListTypes.MySearchResult)
                        HyperLink btnPrevious = new HyperLink();
                        btnPrevious.Text = Localization.GetString("Previous.Text", this.LocalResourceFile);
                        btnPrevious.CssClass = "StorePagePrevious";

                        Literal lblSpace = new Literal();
                        lblSpace.Text = "  ";

                        HyperLink btnNext = new HyperLink();
                        btnNext.Text = Localization.GetString("Next.Text", this.LocalResourceFile);
                        btnNext.CssClass = "StorePageNext";

                        PlaceHolder phPageList = new PlaceHolder();

                        Label lblPageNav = new Label();
                        lblPageNav.CssClass = "StorePageNav";
                        return lblPageNav;
                        return null;

                case "PAGEINFO":
                    Label lblPageInfo = new Label();
                    lblPageInfo.CssClass = "StorePageInfo";
                    lblPageInfo.Text = string.Format(Localization.GetString("PageInfo.Text", this.LocalResourceFile), 1, 1);
                    return lblPageInfo;

                case "PRODUCTS":
                    lstProducts = new DataList();
                    lstProducts.CssClass = containerCssClass;
                    lstProducts.RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Table;
                    switch (direction)
                        case "V":
                            lstProducts.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Vertical;
                        case "H":
                            lstProducts.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal;
                    lstProducts.RepeatColumns = columnCount;
                    lstProducts.ItemDataBound += new DataListItemEventHandler(lstProducts_ItemDataBound);
                    return lstProducts;

                case "ITEMSCOUNT":
                    if (dataSource != null)
                        Label lblItems = new Label();
                        lblItems.CssClass = "StoreItemsCount";
                        lblItems.Text = string.Format(Localization.GetString("ItemsCount.Text", this.LocalResourceFile), (dataSource as ArrayList).Count);
                        return lblItems;
                        return null;

                case "SELECTEDCATEGORY":
                    if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category)
                        categoryControler = new CategoryController();
                        CategoryInfo categoryInfo = categoryControler.GetCategory(CategoryID);
                        if (categoryInfo != null)
                            Label lblProductCategory = new Label();
                            lblProductCategory.Text = string.Format(Localization.GetString("SelectedCategory.Text", this.LocalResourceFile), categoryInfo.CategoryName);
                            lblProductCategory.CssClass = "StoreSelectedCategory";
                            return lblProductCategory;
                            return null;
                        return null;

                case "CATEGORIESBREADCRUMB":
                    if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category || ListType == ProductListTypes.MySearchResult)
                        categoryControler = new CategoryController();
                        CategoryInfo categoryInfo = categoryControler.GetCategory(CategoryID);
                        if (categoryInfo != null)
                            string categoryName = categoryInfo.CategoryName;
                            bool hasParent = categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID != Null.NullInteger;
                            // Create label to contains all other controls
                            Label lblCategoriesBreadcrumb = new Label();
                            lblCategoriesBreadcrumb.CssClass = "StoreCategoriesBreadcrumb";
                            // Create "before" label with locale resource
                            Label lblBeforeBreadcrumb = new Label();
                            lblBeforeBreadcrumb.Text = Localization.GetString("BeforeCategoriesBreadcrumb", this.LocalResourceFile);
                            lblBeforeBreadcrumb.CssClass = "StoreBeforeBreadcrumb";
                            // Create "between" label with locale resource
                            Literal litBetwenBreadcrumb = new Literal();
                            litBetwenBreadcrumb.Text = Localization.GetString("BetweenCategoriesBreadcrumb", this.LocalResourceFile);
                            // Create label to contains categories
                            Label lblBreadcrumb = new Label();
                            lblBreadcrumb.CssClass = "StoreBreadcrumb";
                            int parentCategoryID = categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID;
                            // Create catalog navigation object to compute hyperlink URL
                            CatalogNavigation categogyNav = new CatalogNavigation();
                            categogyNav.TabId = this.TabId;
                            // Loop for parent categories
                            while (parentCategoryID != Null.NullInteger)
                                categoryInfo = categoryControler.GetCategory(categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID);
                                if (categoryInfo != null)
                                    parentCategoryID = categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID;
                                    if (parentCategoryID != Null.NullInteger)
                                    // Create hyperlink with the parent category
                                    HyperLink hlCategory = new HyperLink();
                                    hlCategory.Text = categoryInfo.CategoryName;
                                    categogyNav.CategoryID = categoryInfo.CategoryID;
                                    hlCategory.NavigateUrl = categogyNav.GetNavigationUrl();
                                    parentCategoryID = Null.NullInteger;
                            // Insert separator if parent exist
                            if (hasParent)
                            // Create literal with selected category name
                            Literal litSelectedCategory = new Literal();
                            litSelectedCategory.Text = categoryName;
                            // Create "after" label with locale resource
                            Label lblAfterBreadcrumb = new Label();
                            lblAfterBreadcrumb.Text = Localization.GetString("AfterCategoriesBreadcrumb", this.LocalResourceFile);
                            lblAfterBreadcrumb.CssClass = "StoreAfterBreadcrumb";
                            return lblCategoriesBreadcrumb;
                            return null;
                        return null;

                case "SORTBY":
                    if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category)
                        // Create label to contains all other controls
                        Label lblSortBy = new Label();
                        lblSortBy.CssClass = "StoreSortBy";
                        // Create literal text with locale resource
                        Literal litSortBy = new Literal();
                        litSortBy.Text = Localization.GetString("SortBy", this.LocalResourceFile);
                        // Create DropDownList with column names
                        DropDownList ddlSortBy = new DropDownList();
                        ddlSortBy.AutoPostBack = true;
                        ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortManufacturer", this.LocalResourceFile), "0"));
                        ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortModelNumber", this.LocalResourceFile), "1"));
                        ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortModelName", this.LocalResourceFile), "2"));
                        ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortUnitPrice", this.LocalResourceFile), "3"));
                        if (moduleNav.SortID != Null.NullInteger)
                            // Currently selected sort column
                            ddlSortBy.SelectedIndex = moduleNav.SortID;
                            // Default sort column
                            ddlSortBy.SelectedValue = moduleSettings.CategoryProducts.SortBy;
                        ddlSortBy.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddlSortBy_SelectedIndexChanged);

                        // Create Sort Order image button
                        ImageButton btnSortDir = new ImageButton();
                        string sortDir;
                        if (moduleNav.SortDir != Null.NullString)
                            // Currently selected sort direction
                            sortDir = moduleNav.SortDir;
                            // Default sort direction
                            sortDir = moduleSettings.CategoryProducts.SortDir;
                        string imageName;
                        string altText;
                        if (sortDir.ToUpper() == "ASC")
                            imageName = "arrow_up.png";
                            altText = Localization.GetString("SortAscending", this.LocalResourceFile);
                            imageName = "arrow_down.png";
                            altText = Localization.GetString("SortDescending", this.LocalResourceFile);
                        btnSortDir.CommandArgument = sortDir;
                        btnSortDir.AlternateText = altText;
                        if (storeInfo.PortalTemplates)
                            btnSortDir.ImageUrl = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + "Store/Templates/Images/" + imageName;
                            btnSortDir.ImageUrl = this.TemplateSourceDirectory + "/Templates/Images/" + imageName;
                        btnSortDir.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(btnSortDir_Click);
                        return lblSortBy;
                        return null;

                case "MYSEARCH":
                    if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category)
                        // Create label to contains all other controls
                        Label lblMYSEARCH = new Label();
                        lblMYSEARCH.CssClass = "StoreSearchLable";
                        // Create literal text with locale resource
                        Literal litMYSEARCH = new Literal();
                        litMYSEARCH.Text = Localization.GetString("MYSEARCHBy", this.LocalResourceFile);

                        // Create DropDownList with column names
                        DropDownList ddlMYSEARCH = new DropDownList();
                        ddlMYSEARCH.ID = "ddMYSEARCH";
                        ddlMYSEARCH.CssClass = "ddlMySearch";

                        ddlMYSEARCH.AutoPostBack = false;
                        ddlMYSEARCH.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("MYSEARCHManufacturer", this.LocalResourceFile), "Manufacturer"));
                        ddlMYSEARCH.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("MYSEARCHModelNumber", this.LocalResourceFile), "ModelNumber"));
                        ddlMYSEARCH.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("MYSEARCHModelName", this.LocalResourceFile), "ModelName"));

                        if (moduleNav.SearchField != Null.NullString)//Null.NullInteger
                            // Currently selected Search column
          ddlMYSEARCH.SelectedValue = moduleNav.SearchField.ToString();


                        TextBox txtMYSEARCH = new TextBox();
                        txtMYSEARCH.ID = "txtMYSEARCH";
                        txtMYSEARCH.CssClass = "txtMySearch";

                        txtMYSEARCH.AutoPostBack = false;

                        if (moduleNav.SearchText != Null.NullString)
                            txtMYSEARCH.Text = moduleNav.SearchText;

                        // Create Searching image button
                        ImageButton btnMYSEARCH = new ImageButton();
                        string imageName;
                        string altText;

                        string searching_field = ddlMYSEARCH.SelectedValue.ToString();
                        string searching_Text = txtMYSEARCH.Text.ToString();

                            imageName = "Search_button.png";
                            altText = Localization.GetString("SearchButtonAlt", this.LocalResourceFile);
                        btnMYSEARCH.AlternateText = altText;
                        if (storeInfo.PortalTemplates)
                            btnMYSEARCH.ImageUrl = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + "Store/Templates/Images/" + imageName;
                            btnMYSEARCH.ImageUrl = this.TemplateSourceDirectory + "/Templates/Images/" + imageName;

                        btnMYSEARCH.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(btnMYSEARCH_Click);

                        return lblMYSEARCH;
                        return null;

     LiteralControl litText = new LiteralControl(tokenName);
     return litText;


Continue - Part 3