Here I am posting a code for generating a thumbnail for your given image. You can pass your width and height through this method via parameters. If you want to generate square thumbnails, you need only to pass same value for width and height. Then it will give you a cropped thumbnail.

public void ResizeImage(string OrigFile, string NewFile, int NewWidth, int MaxHeight, bool ResizeIfWider)
System.Drawing.Image FullSizeImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(OrigFile);
// Ensure the generated thumbnail is not being used by rotating it 360 degrees
if (ResizeIfWider)
if (FullSizeImage.Width <= NewWidth)
                    NewWidth = FullSizeImage.Width;
            int NewHeight = FullSizeImage.Height * NewWidth / FullSizeImage.Width;
            if (NewHeight > MaxHeight) // Height resize if necessary
NewWidth = FullSizeImage.Width * MaxHeight / FullSizeImage.Height;
NewHeight = MaxHeight;

// Create the new image with the sizes we've calculated
System.Drawing.Image NewImage = FullSizeImage.GetThumbnailImage(NewWidth, NewHeight, null, IntPtr.Zero);